Welcome to our 2018 Advent Series, “Redeemer - The Advent of Christ in the Book of Ruth”! I am so excited to learn and grow with you as we learn how the book of Ruth points us to God’s promise and plan to send The Redeemer!
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Our Truest Family
God has given both singles and marrieds our truest and most eternal family in the church that He shed His own blood to save.
Keep ReadingBelieving is Seeing
By God's great grace, a saving belief in Jesus opens our eyes to see the King in all of His beauty!
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Ashamed I Hear My Mocking Voice Call Out Among the Scoffers...
We typically think that the Palm Sunday crowd is the same group of people as the Good Friday crowd. Which crowd do you think you would have been in?
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More Like Mary!
We cannot love, sacrifice for, be devoted to, or adore Jesus too much...not if we are worshipping Him for all He is worth!
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Showing God's Love in Nepal
An update from Allen Dicharry, a pastor in Sovereign Grace Church, Midland, TX and SGC Representative to Nepal...
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Why We Love to Sing
Every Sunday, we gather corporately to sing together. But have you ever wondered why? What does God uniquely intend for his people to accomplish or gain as we gather together each week to worship Him through song?
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Is Silence Really Complicity?
Many people have an impulse these days to rise up and do something about what’s happening in the world. But often, we are unaware what we can or should do about a given issue. Few of us are actually in a position to change something or make a difference on global, social issues, but we know intuitively that doesn’t mean we should just sit back and do nothing. So what should we do? What can we do?
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Don’t Quarrel Over Opinions
We are not the first generation to feel very strongly and passionately about our issues. But it sure seems that the political and cultural climate of our day has created an atmosphere of intense “convictions” over things that should engender far more discussion than the knee-jerk cancellations that are the new normal. But the fact that the Bible does not directly tell us what to do on some things should help us keep our position in its proper place. When we do that, unity will be preserved and the gospel will enjoy a place at the center of Christian fellowship, where it belongs.
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Unprecedented Oil Prices Seen Through the Lens of a God Whose Providence is His Precedent
Perhaps like many of you, I swallowed hard and felt sick to my stomach a few times yesterday as I learned that the benchmark price for crude oil fell below zero for the first time in history. As I scanned the news feeds and listened to news media, a common word was used…”Unprecedented…Unprecedented…Unprecedented”. For residents of the oil rich Permian Basin, as if it were not already fearful enough that oil prices fell below zero, somehow it made it all the worse to hear that this is unprecedented! As I was praying for you yesterday, particularly for those whose vocation is in oil and gas, as well as for the rest of us who will be affected by the ripple effects of how this will impact our local economy, I sensed the Holy Spirit calling me to face my fears about the reality of unprecedented oil prices by fixing my eyes on an even greater reality.
Keep ReadingDec 2
The Promise of Christmas
Come celebrate The Promise of Christmas with us each Sunday of December as we study the promises God made and the promises God kept through the Savior born in Bethlehem.
Sep 3
Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund
Feb 24
Excelling in Work without Idolizing Work
Mar 26
The Historical Reliability of Scripture
Aug 20